Wednesday, 27 April 2016


About two days ago I was in Wellington.My favorite part in Wellington was playing laser strike, the noises really creeped me out. We also went to a pool called H2O extreme, it was so so cool. There was a massive yellow hydro slide, when you went down it made your tummy feel really really weird, There was another hydro slide that was so so dark that you could not see anything. We also went on a cable car, When we got to the top we walked to a playground with two massive blue slides I went down so so fast. On the first day we went to Te papa, My favorite thing in Te papa was in bush world because there was a swing bridge and a bear cave that was really dark to.We also went to Kaitoke when I dived in I just about froze it was that cold.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Camp Reflection

Camp Reflection

My favorite part of camp was walking up the glacier. I was running most of the way and found a massive piece of ice from the glacier.The piece of glacier ice was bigger than my head and it was quite heavy and cold too. My second favorite thing was playing spotlight and I never got to be in.

On the first day we went for a swim in Lake Mapourika, it was so cold in the water. At Lake Mapourika I jumped of the jetty. In the water it was really slimy and cold. Later that night  when we did the glow worm walk me and my friends were hiding in behind trees and bushes and we were scaring  people. 

On the third day we walked to Lake Matheson it was like a mirror. We stayed at the Top Ten Holiday Park. There was a playground with a trampoline. We also did some Geo Caching. There was stuff hidden all a round town, our group got it mucked up a wee bit. I thought the camp was so so COOL!

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